Mobile Antennas | Mobile Satellite Internet

iNetVu Mobile VSAT Internet - by C-ComiNetVu Mobile VSAT Internet - by C-Com

(Vehicle-Mount Antennas)

iNetVu Mobile VSAT Internet - by C-Com

(Airline Checkable/Tripod Antennas)

iNetVu Mobile VSAT Internet - by C-Com

(Fixed Motorized Antennas)

We are the Designers and Manufacturers of iNetVu® Mobile Antennas, the World’s most Popular One-button, Motorized, Auto-acquire VSAT System for Reliable Broadband Internet via Satellite.

Driveaway, Flyaway and FMAs, available in Ka-band, Ku-band, C-band & X-band, ranging in size from 75cm to 2.4m, are designed to perform in the harshest of environments for your company’s critical communication requirements.
