OneWeb ‘plans optical links’ for next generation of satellit

OneWeb ‘plans optical links’ for next generation of satellit e; e++) { var f = c.concat(d[e].split(“”)); K[e] = f; for (var k = 0; k < f.length; k++) { var h = f[k]; void 0 === L[h] && (L[h] = k) } } } b = K[b]; c = []; for (d = 0; d < this.length; d += 3) { var n = this[d], t = (e = d + 1 < this.length) ? this[d + 1] : 0; h = (f = d + 2 > 2; n = (n & 3) <> 4; t = (t & 15) <> 6; h &= 63; f || (h = 64, e || (t = 64)); c.push(b[k], b[n], b[t] || “”, b[h] || “”) } return c.join(“”) }; try { return JSON.stringify(this.a && this.a, S) } finally { Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON = a } } : function () { return JSON.stringify(this.a && this.a, S) }; var S = function (a, b) { return “number” !== typeof b || !isNaN(b) && Infinity !== b && -Infinity !== b ? b : String(b) }; M.prototype.toString = function () { return this.a.toString() }; var T = function (a) { O(this, a) }; u(T, M); var U = function (a) { O(this, a) }; u(U, M); var ja = function (a, b) { this.c = new B(a); var c = R(b, T, 5); c = new y(w, Q(c, 4) || “”); this.b = new ea(a, c, Q(b, 4)); this.a = b }, ka = function (a, b, c, d) { b = new T(b ? JSON.parse(b) : null); b = new y(w, Q(b, 4) || “”); C(a.c, b, 3, !1, c, function () { ia(function () { F(a.b); d(!1) }, function () { d(!0) }, Q(a.a, 2), Q(a.a, 3), Q(a.a, 1)) }) }; var la = function (a, b) { V(a, “internal_api_load_with_sb”, function (c, d, e) { ka(b, c, d, e) }); V(a, “internal_api_sb”, function () { F(b.b) }) }, V = function (a, b, c) { a = l.btoa(a + b); v(a, c) }, W = function (a, b, c) { for (var d = [], e = 2; e c ? 0 : c } else c = -1; 0 != c && (W(a.b, “internal_api_sb”), Z(a, Q(a.a, 6))) }, function (c) { Z(a, c ? Q(a.a, 4) : Q(a.a, 5)) }) }, Z = function (a, b) { a.c || (a.c = !0, a = new l.XMLHttpRequest,“GET”, b, !0), a.send()) }; (function (a, b) { l[a] = function (c) { for (var d = [], e = 0; e -1) { dataLayer.push({ ‘ga_account’: ‘UA-21988335-1’, ‘page_name’: pageName.toLowerCase().replace(‘&’, ‘and’).replace(/s+/g, ”), ‘page_type’: pageType, ‘login_status’: loggedStatus, ‘bo_customer_id’: ‘0’, ‘sf_customer_id’: ‘0’ }); } else if (pageName.includes(“/searchblog”)) { dataLayer.push({ ‘ga_account’: ‘UA-21988335-1’, ‘page_name’: pageName.trim().toLowerCase().replace(‘&’, ‘and’).replace(/s+/g, ‘-‘), ‘page_type’: ‘searchblog’, ‘login_status’: loggedStatus }); } else if (pageName.includes(“/sign-in/session-invalidated”)) { dataLayer.push({ ‘ga_account’: ‘UA-21988335-1’, ‘page_name’: pageName.trim().toLowerCase().replace(‘&’, ‘and’).replace(/s+/g, ‘-‘), ‘page_type’: ‘sign-in’, ‘login_status’: loggedStatus }); } else if (pageName.toLowerCase().includes(“compleateregistraionpost”) || pageName.includes(“/my-account/compleate-registraion”)) { dataLayer.push({ ‘ga_account’: ‘UA-21988335-1’, ‘page_name’: pageName.trim().toLowerCase().replace(‘&’, ‘and’).replace(/s+/g, ‘-‘), ‘page_type’: ‘my-account’, ‘login_status’: loggedStatus }); } else if (pageType != ‘event details’ && pageType != ‘content’ && !pageName.startsWith(“ga-virtual/account/signup/”)) { dataLayer.push({ ‘ga_account’: ‘UA-21988335-1’, ‘page_name’: pageName.trim().toLowerCase().replace(‘&’, ‘and’).replace(/s+/g, ‘-‘), ‘page_type’: pageType, ‘login_status’: loggedStatus }); } if (loggedStatus === “logged in” && pageName.indexOf(‘ga-virtual/my-account’)==-1) { dataLayer.push({ ‘bo_customer_id’: ‘0’, ‘sf_customer_id’: ‘0’}); } ]]>

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