Satellite Communication

Posted byshristi0901July 5, 2020Posted inUncategorizedTags:advancement, antennas, communication, couriers, fibre optical, frequency, microwave rays, moodulator, SATCOM, satellite, space station, technical, techno;ogy, telecommunication, transformer, transmition, transponder

Communication is a necessity of every living being. Only speaking can’t be defined as communication, different living beings have their own different ways to communicate. Communication is a way to interact, express our feelings, share our views, show our agreement and disagreement with others. 

Ways of communication in human lives have developed all over time, it has come a long way from communication through symbols to communication through the internet all over the world. The type of communication which we are currently pursuing is called Satellite Communication (SATCOM). The SATCOM technology has made communication faster, more efficient and to a wider network. SATCOM technology has a very mindful and complex working, it is a great achievement for humans.

A satellite is a moon, planet or machine that orbits a planet or a star. Earth and moon are classified as natural satellite and all the man-made satellites are classified as an artificial satellite. An artificial satellite is nothing but a microwave repeater station in space that is helpful telecommunication, radio and television along with the internet applications. Satellites have become a very important and crucial part of communication in today’s era.

In Satellite Communication various types of components are used like a transponder, couriers, transformer, oscillators, amplifiers, antennas, fibre optical cables, modulator, sender and receiver. In the technical world, the audible range for humans is kept from 300 Hz to 3400 Hz. A communication cable is provided with little frequency variations in our phones. Our voice is trapped into a courier and many such couriers are collected and modulated together in a transformer, this modulation has a very low frequency which cannot be sent to the Satellite Space Station so the transformer has oscillator of specific frequency which oscillates the modulation that specific frequency which becomes compatible for sending to the Space Station. After oscillation is done, the sender sends our voices in the form of microwave rays to the Space Station. These microwave rays take 800 milliseconds to reach the Space Station if the weather is clear. These microwave rays are taken up there in the Space Station by the transponder and this microwave ray is sent to the amplifier for amplifying its power. The power of these rays decreases while travelling to the Space Station so it needs to amplify its power. The power gets dissipated but the frequency remains the same. During sending of the message uplifting of frequency is done but during transmitting it to the earth frequency is downlinked. Frequency is up-linked during sending because Space Station doesn’t have many types of equipment so it is necessary that the message should reach the Space Station very clearly but during sending it back to the earth it is down-linked so that the frequency of sender and receivers are different to identify and it is downlinked because on earth we have very advanced equipment so even if we get an unclear message we are able to get the proper message by using technology. After down-linking the frequency the transmitter transmits the message in the form of microwave ray and it is captured by the antennas situated on the earth and through antennas, the message goes to the receiver. In the receiver, it again oscillates to the lower frequency and then it is sent to the desired location through optical fibres and through couriers, it reaches to our phone cables.

This Satellite Communication technology had made our lives very handy and easy. We should thank the wonderful and amazing minds which have discovered such a technology that has given us such a blissful life. The internet technology has opened many jobs and learning opportunities for all of us, it has given us the opportunity to learn from the skilful peoples by sitting in our homes and to has given us the opportunity to show our skills to the world and get the deserved position.


Posted byshristi0901July 5, 2020Posted inUncategorizedTags:advancement, antennas, communication, couriers, fibre optical, frequency, microwave rays, moodulator, SATCOM, satellite, space station, technical, techno;ogy, telecommunication, transformer, transmition, transponder
