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How to Mine Monero?

Going for Monero may be the best kept secret in the cryptocurrency mining world

How to Get Free Bitcoin?

Now that you’ve learned how to get bitcoin, you must be wondering if there is an easier way. To be fair, there is no such thing as free money. If you ever stumble upon a message that says, “Send me a certain amount of bitcoin or ether…

How to Invest in Bitcoin?

After seeing how the prices can double and even triple in a short timeframe, you must be wondering how to invest in Bitcoin. This does not have to be a difficult thing – buying and investing in Bitcoin are becoming quite commonplace. Before…

Who Accepts Bitcoin in 2020?

Who accepts Bitcoins as payment? Since Bitcoin is relatively new and many businesses are wary of its price fluctuations, it is not very widely accepted, compared to traditional fiat currencies. However, retailers and services that accept…

What Can I Buy with Bitcoin?

Now that you finally have your own digital coins, you must be wondering what to buy with bitcoins. Some businesses stopped accepting Bitcoin due to the volatility in price, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use the coins as a method of…

What is Blockchain?

Put simply, blockchain is data that’s stored and maintained by a decentralized network of computers. This is trustless technology which can radically change the world as we know it, redefining how we deal with data and transfer value. As an…

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital money. More and more people and companies are starting to use it. Some of this money can be spent on the same goods and services we pay for with traditional “fiat” currencies – dollars, euros, yen, and…

How do cryptocurrencies differ?

The main differences relate to how coins are produced and spent. Some coins, like Bitcoin, Dash and Monero, are created in a process called “mining” which involves using powerful computers to solve complicated cryptographic puzzles. When…

Can I Create My Own Cryptocurrency?

Sure! You don’t even need to be a programmer to create your own cryptocurrency. Several existing blockchain platforms let you to make your own currency – as a community coin, a joke, or for any other reason. They make creating a…

What is an ICO?

An ICO, or Initial Coin Offering, is a new way to raise capital for all sorts of projects by selling a cryptocurrency. It’s mostly used by tech startups. The market saw 235 ICOs in 2017, five times more than in 2016. They helped raise over…

Why Invest In An ICO?

Profit and the opportunity to participate in ambitious projects are what attract investors to ICOs. Backing a crowdfunded project, by comparison, basically means donating money. And in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) – the traditional way…

What Are The Risks Of An ICO in 2020?

Just like the returns on an investment in an ICO can be huge, so too can the risks. What are the hazards of participating in ICOs? The market is still under-regulated. That means investors may be left on their own if an ICO turns out to be a…

What Is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is the oldest and best-known cryptocurrency. It was born on 3 January 2009. More than 16.7 million bitcoins were in circulation as of December 2017 with a total value of about USD 250 billion. That’s still almost nothing compared to…

Is It Safe To Use Bitcoin?

We could, in turn, ask whether it’s safe to use the US dollar. As with any other type of money, there are specific issues Bitcoin users need to know about in order to keep their funds as safe as possible. They include Bitcoin price changes…

Bitcoin Pros and Cons

Many are attracted to Bitcoin by its independence and pseudo-anonymity. But its convenience of use, speed and costs are not always as attractive as one would like. The main advantage of using Bitcoin for payment is you do not need a middleman…

How to Buy Bitcoin?

Bitcoins can be bought for US dollars, euros or another fiat or cryptocurrency on a crypto exchange, directly from other individuals, or using a special ATM. It’s good to know that you can buy fractions of a bitcoin. So you don’t have to…

How To Store Bitcoin?

Bitcoins are stored on the Bitcoin blockchain network. A special program – a “wallet” – is needed to access and use one’s coins. The wallet safeguards the secret code you need to use your bitcoins and helps manage transactions…

How to Choose a Bitcoin Wallet?

First decide whether you need an online wallet, an offline wallet, or both. Then you can consider specific wallets. Wallet types are mainly about security and convenience: online wallets are more suitable for daily use but aren’t very secure…

How to Sell Bitcoin?

You can sell bitcoins online via exchanges and peer-to-peer platforms, and offline by meeting a buyer in person. You might also be able to do so using a Bitcoin ATM. The fees and price will differ, as will levels of security, privacy, and…

How to Choose a Cryptocurrency Exchange?

Issues one ought to consider before choosing an exchange include security, liquidity, fees, and user experience. For reviews of top exchanges, you can follow this link. Once you find an exchange that meets your basic requirements –…

What Is Bitcoin Mining?

The process of confirming Bitcoin transactions and recording them on the distributed ledger is called “mining”. The mining process helps to decentralize the network’s security and create new bitcoins. Put very simply, it works like…

How to Mine Bitcoin?

Mining 1 bitcoin a year might cost you thousands of dollars. If you’re lucky. When Bitcoin was launched in 2009 it was possible to mine the first cryptocurrency using a personal computer. Now, with more and more miners joining the race for…

Why Do Bitcoins Have Value?

Bitcoins have value for the same reason the US dollar does – it’s a useful form of money that’s used by people to buy and sell things. While the US dollar’s value is supported by the government, which gives it a legal status and uses…

How Is The Price of Bitcoins Set?

Two words: demand and supply. The price goes up when demand for bitcoins grows, and it goes down when demand wanes. So the price of Bitcoin shows how much people are willing to pay for it at a given time based on their expectations regarding…

How to Accept Bitcoin In Business?

You can either do it with help from third parties, or customers can pay you in person without a middleman. That applies to both online and offline businesses. The easiest way may be to use a Bitcoin payment processor service with existing…

What is Ethereum?

It’s a decentralized platform for building and using applications on a blockchain distributed ledger. It’s also referred to as a “world computer”, since the Ethereum platform uses the computing power of the computers connected to its…

What is a smart contract?

It’s a computer code that simplifies the execution of certain agreements and eliminates the need for a middleman. Take delivery services as an example: a smart contract can automatically transfer money to a courier once a parcel is…

What is ether?

Ether is the cryptocurrency needed to use the Ethereum platform and its products. Developers must pay in ether to build applications and smart contracts on the Ethereum platform (blockchain), and users have to pay in ether to run them…
