
Why Measure SharePoint® Usage?

To get the most out of your SharePoint environment, you need to know how it’s being used and if it’s creating a return on your investment. Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint was designed specifically to understand the details of SharePoint and is used by leading enterprises worldwide to measure user behavior and increase ROI.


that SharePoint is delivering results

Making an investment in SharePoint can involve multiple teams and stakeholders, complex design, deployment and training, and the migration of thousands of critical assets into the platform. With such a commitment, it’s important to know that it’s performing as expected. With Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint, you can prove exactly how SharePoint is delivering value to your organization through reports on traffic, content, engagement, and technology segmented by User or any user attribute (e.g. Department, Location, etc.). With a wealth of out-of-the-box reports, Webtrends offers the leading measurement solution for SharePoint, delivering user-specific metrics to assess ROI.


support calls to your departments

Encourage employees to contribute and use self-service, Shared Knowledge Repository, to learn from others facing similar challenges and without always having to contact HR or IT by phone to get answers to simple questions. With Webtrends, you can run reports on search experience to determine which search terms are being entered and whether results were returned, or no results found. If your users consistently get relevant results when search your repository, then the solution should be providing value and decreasing your support calls. Search terms that don’t return results indicate content needs to be added for this topic.


workforce has the latest messaging

Your growing and widely dispersed workforce needs to know the latest strategy, policy or corporate and marketing communications plan. With Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint, you can ensure whether or not your workforce is consuming and engaging your content and messages. Run reports on consumption by content, user, location, department, tagged areas of emails and newsletters. Having all of this information can help you rein in inconsistent marketing and communication practices across your organization.


for reinvestment and upgrades

With each successive version of SharePoint, Microsoft has extended its core capabilities and performance impact. Webtrends can help you baseline SharePoint performance, identify preferred content, processes and design features as well as define clear objectives before and during your migration to the next version. You can even run reports across hybrid or mixed deployment environments. Webtrends is a Microsoft-preferred analytics solution built from the ground up for the nuances of measuring performance of your SharePoint environment.

Key Features

Analytics Dashboards

  • Unlimited number of custom dashboards
  • Key metrics, user adoption, document actions, social and geo maps, word clouds and more
  • Connected reports

Standard & Custom Reports

  • Quick time-to-value with dozens of out-of-the-box SharePoint-specific reports
  • Unlimited custom reporting available
  • Designed specifically for SharePoint environments

Data Export

  • Customizable REST URL to export data in your required format
  • XML, JSON, CSV, Excel and Power BI formats available on demand or scheduled
  • Create Email link
  • Download report in PDF format

Adoption Measurement

  • New and returning user metrics, including specific location, division and users
  • Ability to enact targeted adoption and sustained engagement strategies

Content Activity Metrics

  • Identifies how users access, share, comment on and use specific content
  • Ascertains duration, activity and trends
  • Enables management of workflow, content surfacing and archival of favored or inactive assets

Search Effectiveness

  • Reports on user search patterns, effective and ineffective terminology, and efficiencies in retrieving desired assets
  • User navigation preferences and paths to desired content
  • Measure to optimize Search effectiveness for popular targets


(To view table, swipe left)

Analytics Capabilities


Native SharePoint

Google Analytics

Basic Traffic Measurement
Track the number of page views and visitors
Quick View
View key metrics for each SharePoint site in a single view
User-Based Tracking
Track behavior and activity down to the user level and even custom user properties
Custom Dashboards
Easily view and monitor the metrics you care about most for your site(s)
Page-Level Insights
Track views, sessions, average time and more by individual pages
Track popular queries and keywords from users’ search activity
Document Interactions
Receive insights into how users are interacting with documents across your site collections
List Interactions
Track how users interact with lists and individual list items
Web Part Interactions
Track usage of links within web parts, correlated with the associated part
Social Insights
Track newsfeed post frequency, likes, shares and replies
Custom Reporting
Create custom reporting to match your specific needs and environment
Limited to 20 data points
User Paths
View page to page details on how users are navigating across your site(s)
Easily Export to Other Services
Multiple export options and formats to faciltate import into tools such as Power BI

Measure Everything

SharePoint contains a wealth of content such as document libraries, lists, and blogs that can’t be analyzed with standard analytics solutions.  Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint understands SharePoint and provides rich insights into site and sub-site hierarchy, usernames, job titles, office location, and just about any other content type within SharePoint.

Designed for SharePoint

Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint was designed specifically for the intricacies and nuances of SharePoint and is used by more than 300 leading enterprises worldwide (including Microsoft).  To get the most out of Microsoft SharePoint, you need a detailed, visitor-level view into your site’s activity and usage.

Webtrends Analytics® for Sharepoint®

Join our other clients on the path towards Sharepoint success with the Microsoft-preferred analytics solution.

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