Protected Satellite Communications | Raytheon Intelligence & Space

Protected Satellite Communications Air Force One

When the stakes are highest, Raytheon Intelligence & Space’s family of Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) terminals ensure the right people get the information they need at the right time.

Protected satellite communications are an absolute necessity for military victory. Information sent around the world cannot be intercepted by adversaries. It must be kept safe, secure and protected. On the ground, the satellite dishes and terminal systems combine to form a communications network that dramatically reduces the chances for jamming or interception.

Raytheon Intelligence & Space is the only provider of protected AEHF terminals in production for the Army, Navy and Air Force. With more than 500 systems in the field, our terminals currently support the legacy Milstar satellites and are ready to operate with the newest AEHF satellites.


Global Aircrew Strategic Network Terminal (GASNT) sends and receives messages that alert the bomber and tanker crews to spring into action in an emergency.







Family of Advanced Beyond Line of Sight Terminal (FAB-T) is a secure, airborne communications network that allows the president of the United States to communicate with senior military leaders.


Forced Element Terminal (FET) is a software encryption platform in the Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T) product family equipped to meet the needs of the B-52.


Secure Mobile Anti-Jam Reliable Tactical Terminal (SMART-T) provides unattended, robust, worldwide, low probability of detection, jam-resistant, multi-channel communications in support of the field commander. 


Navy Multiband Terminal (NMT) is the next-generation maritime military satellite communications terminal for the Navy and its coalition partners; the Navy uses it for enhancing protected and survivable satellite communications.
