Taxation trends in the European Union – Taxation and Customs Union

Taxation Trends in the European UnionThis report (2019 edition) contains a detailed statistical and economic analysis of the tax systems of the Member States of the European Union, plus Iceland and Norway which are members of the European Economic Area. In addition to the analysis of Europe-wide trends in Part 1, the report includes in Part 2 country chapters covering the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. For each country, key taxation indicators are provided on tax revenues as a percentage of GDP for the years 2005 to 2017. These are supplemented by factual tables presenting the latest tax reforms in each country. In Annex A, the reader can find more than 80 tables of the various taxation indicators, while Annex B contains a detailed description of the methodology used to calculate the indicators. The data in the report are presented within a unified statistical framework (the ESA 2010 system of national and regional accounts).


Full text – Taxation Trends Report


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Data on Taxation

